Please ask any medical professional. Everyone will tell you that all the researches have proved that our mind can do only one function at a time.
Our mind is so fast. We believe that it can do multitasking, but it cannot.
Although, you may have been driving for a few years and it becomes a routine activity for you to drive, but please realize this that, driving is the most complex activity or the most complex process of the day.
The question is – “Why Driving is most complex?”
The answer is that –
It needs all our senses to do constant processing of our surroundings.
And constantly anticipating any emergencies.
Mostly 100 out of the 100 people, drives with a cell phone or mobile phone, which distracts them during driving.
It can lead to very serious consequences and our life may be destroyed. Our whole life may be jeopardized in seconds.
Trust me, it doesn’t happen every day, but one single second is enough to jeopardize our life forever.
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