Why it is very important to read this book? Answer is, it is very important to read this book because Heart health is very important to us.
Heart attack or sudden death from the heart attack has become so rampant in India.
It is affecting more and more youngish male population.
Women have some protection from the heart attack until they are in their reproductive age, but they still have some amount of risk.
Our recommendation is to start screening all the males at age 30. This will give us a baseline.
And continue every five years with three most important, simple, noninvasive, not at all costly, Tests.
If all these three tests are normal, then I can give you in writing that you will not have heart attack for the next five years. Statistically, it is not possible.
Why these three tests are important?
These tests are important because all these three different tests give us complementary information.
As far as ECG/EKG is concerned, it gives us all the information about the electrical conductivity of the heart and our ECG is like our fingerprint.
I can guarantee that if you take your ECG every year and put one above the other, they will be exactly the same. ECG helps us to understand the function of the two electrical nodes in our heart, which control the rhythm and the rate of the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the heart.
We all know that, in a heart attack, we immediately do ECG and if you are having a heart attack, you can see changes in the ECG, we can pretty much figure it out.
But why to wait for that point when we are really having heart attack, because we may not have more than 5 to 10 minutes to recover from the heart attack and if our brain does not get blood and oxygen for several minutes, our brain is never going to come back, even though if our heart comes back, and we may not be alive anymore.
Since we will never have 5 minutes, so our hope is that by doing three simple tests, we can really, statistically, almost 100% anticipate what is going to happen over next five years and if we see any negative information, we can always fix it in time, seeking the help from the best heart doctors, but we need information and time.
Most important fundamental fact for all of us in our everyday life is our continued good health, at every stage of our life.
Risk assessment is the best possible way for maintaining good health at every stage of our life without burning a hole in our pocket every time we are in a crisis.
We should get the habit of risk assessment every day in our life and every sphere of our life. Whether it is about risk and benefits or pros and cons:
$0.00• There are young girls all over India who do not understand what is happening to them as they enter “puberty”.• It is a major taboo topic in India.• Let us give our daughters insight to plan for their future.• We should educate and give every opportunity to our young daughters.• If we don’t educate them, the internet will.• Best person to educate them is the lady doctor in town or the mom.Add to cart
Life was different 30 to 40 years back but today the world has changed completely. Staying healthy is not about physical health only. It includes spiritual, mental, social, family, and financial health.
This book deals with health-related issues and if you read the book you will see new ways to make your life easy and comfortable.
Today in 2021 life has become so complex that to stay healthy and fit, one should sleep well, eat well, exercise daily.
We know that people face crisis in everyday life and hence people should learn about dealing with such stressful situations.
Seeking counselling is important for our health and it can do wonders for us in the long run to keep us mentally and physically fit.
Imagine if you end up being a mother not by your choice.
Will, you be able to bear the trauma on your mental health, physical health and your relationship?
Being a mother is the most beautiful feeling in this world!
Pregnancy among young girls is a common global issue.
At times they are not even mentally, physically, financially ready for it.
Most of the time young girls do not even know about the choices or simple precautionary measures that they should adopt to prevent themselves from unwanted pregnancy.
Not only young girls but every woman should be aware of the ways of preventing unwanted pregnancy.
They should be educated about the choices available for them to enable them to make the correct choice.
This book is written to provide insight into all the choices available for young girls/women.
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