HomeDiabetesDiabetes Book 3.2- Sulfonylureas. 2nd generation medicine- English
Diabetes Book 3.2- Sulfonylureas. 2nd generation medicine- English
This book is one of the series of books on latest medications in relation to high blood sugar and diabetes.
Diabetes is so common and for the same reason there has been huge research in management and treatment of diabetes.
It is simple economics for research drug companies as diabetes is so common. If they make a new medicine, it will make the company very rich.
While drug companies are making new medications may be very rich, but it will keep us very healthy.
If our blood sugar is becoming higher, we can delay diabetes and complications by 30 years if we start management early.
This book introduces us to the new generation of sulfonylureas which help our body to increase the amount of insulin available to us.
Same description applies to book 3.1 diabetes also. We have just seen the number of the book. This book tells you about first generation sulfonylureas which is a group of medicines which helps our body to release and make available more insulin.
We all love to be taller socially!
You may see various advertisements or videos on YouTube that one can increase their height by 3 inches in 7 days and this is just not right and scientifically not possible.
This is just not possible not even before we are still going through our growth spurt or after our final height is achieved.
“While we are in a process of gaining our height, 60% genetics play role in gaining height. People who come from China & India to US, their children gain excellent height.”
And this book will tell you why and how?
If you want your child to be taller, attain their maximum height, then this is the book for you.
During teenage, once we have gone through puberty. Our long bones grow and attain the complete height then one thing is sure that we cannot gain height after this.
Growth hormone is important for height and for essential increase of growth hormone, sleep is important.
Height is an important factor in our life and as per Indian tradition or in arranged marriage height plays an important role.
This book will tell you we can increase our height only before our long bones growth in length is complete.
This book will recommend all the factors, medical health and the hormones which are important for attaining our maximum possible height.
Gender is also important because male and female hormones do play a role in developing, in maximizing our height.
This book will also tell you how much height we gain over years.
If you think height has a correlation with weightlifting or stretching, this is the book you should read.Add to cart
There is no question beauty signifies a thing of beauty and joy forever for all of us.
Wants to know what makes us lose our hair?
This book explains the medical facts about our hair.
This book will explain what factors can really make us lose our hair.
Pay attention, we can really maintain our hair growth.
Most important factors are any major illness, thyroid hormone, and iron and excessive stress. They have dramatic effect on our hair growth.
Also, body hormones are especially important for our hair growth.
Pregnancy does have a dramatic effect on hair.
We have written a book of medical management of hair loss our in boys and men which is usually genetic. It is also written about the medical management of hair loss in women because of thinning of hair.
There is a separate book on hair transplant.Add to cart
$0.00Today, USA has become the country with maximum number of COVID-19 patients and maximumnumber of deaths in the world. This book presents:
The State-by-State Projections of COVID-19 cases in USA.
The statistics showing when will each state reach its peak in this pandemic situation for all thestates like Alaska, Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Georgia, and more.
The tabular view for better understanding of the state wise projections on peak dates, bedshortages in hospitals, number of deaths on peak date, and number of cumulative deaths.
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